
Hi there! I'm a philosopher working as a professor of Philosophy at Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in Salvador, Brazil.  I'm a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Philosophy and a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Science, both at UFBA. My research is about enactivism, ecological psychology and radically embodied cognition in general (sometimes I deal with traditional epistemology as well, especially know-how, normativity and rationality). I'm also a founding member of the Enactive Cognition and Narrative Practices research group (University of Wollongong), and a founding member of the Cognition, Language, Enaction and Affectivity research group. 


Por que não somos só o nosso cérebro.

Giovanni Rolla

Transformação, vol. 46, 2023, pp. 207-236

Perceiving and creating atmospheres: how ecological-enactive cognition can explain and inform architectural practice

Guilherme Nunes de Vasconcelos, Giovanni Rolla

Adaptive Behavior, vol. 32(2), 2023, pp. 103-115

Do Babies Represent

Giovanni Rolla

Synthese, vol. 200(278 (online article)), 2022

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Information in the Ecological-Enactive Approach

We try to combine central theses to the  ecological-enactive approach to cognition—namely, the priority of action in the explanation of cognition and the claim that not all cognition is representational—with the more traditional view that cognition nec...


Sep 20, 2023

Academia de Platão

Nova arte da Academia de Platão! Uma adaptação do valioso ensinamento socrático para aqueles que querem ampliar o escopo do autoconhecimento e atingir conhecimento dos seus próprios limites físicos. Arte em alta qualidade aqui. Recentemente eu cri...

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Apr 6, 2023

Bebês representam? Sobre um argumento falho em favor do representacionalismo [RECFIL, 2023]

Mar 25, 2023

Algumas reflexões sobre o incidente Sartre/Brad Pitt

Talvez você tenha ouvido falar no rumor de que um filme biográfico sobre Jean Paul Sartre (o Ser e o Nada) estaria em produção estrelando Brad Pitt. O ator de Clube da Luta interpretaria o filósofo francês, e Eva Green (Os Sonhadores) faria o papel de ...

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Giovanni Rolla

Department of Philosophy

Federal University of Bahia


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