Information in the Ecological-Enactive Approach

We try to combine central theses to the  ecological-enactive approach to cognition—namely, the priority of action in the explanation of cognition and the claim that not all cognition is representational—with the more traditional view that cognition necessarily involves information. Traditional cognitive sciences and neuroscience sometimes take information as a matter of minimization of uncertainty. In the ecological-enactive approach advanced here, the nucleus of the traditional view is preserved without a committing it to semantic information, i.e., information about distal sources with representational content. We investigate whether uncertainty can be understood in relation to the cognitive agent's morphology and abilities in a given medium. Accordingly, cognitive agents acquire information for action by attuning their situated abilities with solicitations and restrictions available in their environments, which can be understood as a matter of covariation between action and achievement under local constraints. 

picture: vertiginous affordances at Sagrada Familia

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